April 7th Sherrie Palms was the guest on Unspoken Issues to talk about POP (Pelvic Organ Prolapse)
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Sherrie Palms is the Founder/President of APOPS, Association for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Support Inc, a nonprofit foundation for pelvic organ prolapse support, an award-winning author of the book Pelvic Organ Prolapse: The Silent Epidemic, and the Community Leader of the MedHelp.org Urogynecology Forum.
As a women's pelvic floor health advocate, Sherrie devotes her time to all avenues of establishing recognition of pelvic organ prolapse and providing support pathways for women in various stages of POP. Many women don’t even know they have a pelvic organ prolapse until its too late. There are 4 grades of pelvic organ prolapse. If you are feel a ‘bulge’ or a tennis ball feeling in the vagina, go and see your gynaecologist, physiotherapist or medical advisor straight away. Do not delay this as it will get worse.
Men if you think Kegels aren't for you, boy you couldn't be more wrong. First women that regularly use kegel exercise have hmm should we say more vaginal control, meaning men your women can really 'grab' on. Another thing most men do NOT know about kegels is how kegels can help with ED (erectile dysfunction). Don't just take my word for it you can learn how kegels can help men with ED and what could be more fun than practicing your kegels with your woman?
Sherrie Palm’s book Pelvic Organ Prolapse is so easy to read, and most women can identify themselves at some stage in her book. Her book is easy to understand and the way she has written this leaves you not only understanding your own body better but understanding why you need to deal with your pelvic organ prolapse. The book is written in such a way that it leaves you feeling that you still have your dignity in dealing with such a ‘taboo’ subject.
When not spreading the word about this health concern, Sherrie can be found coaching the kids on her local Special Olympics group basketball team, training her puppies, or taking digital photos of nature in northern Wisconsin.
For more info about APOPS or Sherrie Palm, go to
To download a free chapter of the symptoms of POP go to http:// pelvicorganprolapsesupport. org/library/free_chapter_from_ pelvic_organ_prolapse_the_ silent_epidemic
Guys don't wait if you are wondering if maybe it isn't IBS or you feel a bulge go to the POP Risk Factor Questionnaire page on APOPS site: http:// pelvicorganprolapsesupport. org/pop_risk_factor_ questionnaire
You can download the podcast at iTunes
Or watch the recorded video at Unspoken Issues on FaceBook
You can download the podcast at iTunes
Or watch the recorded video at Unspoken Issues on FaceBook
Pelvic Organ Prolapse facts:
* Millions of women worldwide suffer with POP. 300,000 surgeries are performed annually in US alone, yet most women have never heard of it until they are diagnosed.
* Half of all women over 50 have at least 1 of the 5 types of POP but the condition can affect any woman of childbearing age.
* Vaginal childbirth is the leading cause, followed by menopause and numerous other common causes.
* Though the condition has been around for thousands of years, women often suffer in silence with embarrassing symptoms, as they are not aware the condition exists.
* POP impacts women physically, emotionally, sexually, socially, and financially.
“Awareness of pelvic organ prolapse,” continued Ms. Palm, “can only occur when we share what we know with others. Women keep their symptoms to themselves because of embarrassment; once the causes and symptoms of POP become common knowledge, they will feel more comfortable approaching their physicians when they experience indicators of POP. Knowledge is power. It is my hope that as we continue to do what women do best-network, guide, and provide support for each other-POP will soon become common knowledge.”
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